The attorneys of Bourque Clegg Causey & Morin Specialize in pedestrian accident cases.
A young man walking on a dirt road is struck by a driver of a vehicle, who flees the scene…
A high school aged boy crossing a street in the crosswalk but sitting astride his bike, is struck by a young woman driving to work…
A retired man clearing his own driveway of snow is struck by a driver who lost control of her vehicle on the roadway…
An elderly woman walking in the post office parking lot is struck by a driver backing up and not looking where she was going.
The attorneys at Bourque Clegg Causey & Morin have helped all of these pedestrians recover significant compensation from the insurance companies for their injuries.
Pedestrian accidents can result in serious injuries for the persons struck. There are specific laws in Maine that protect pedestrians in the cross walk or on a sidewalk. There are also basic rules of the road that require drivers to exercise due care in avoiding collision with pedestrians.
Our attorneys have recovered from insurance companies for seriously injured pedestrians.
We have also recovered for pedestrians where the driver of the vehicle that struck them was not entirely at fault.
More and more drivers check their cell phones while driving or are otherwise districted. Even if you are in a well-marked cross walk with flashing yield signs, a distracted driver may not be able to stop in time.
These cases are more complicated than you think. We recommend you contact an attorney that has specific experience or expertise in pedestrian cases. We have experience and expertise in pedestrian cases. Even if you think you are partially at fault, we can help you recover fair compensation.
Your best first call is to Bourque Clegg Causey & Morin at (207) 324-4422.
Call today. Someone can help you right away.
Let us be your pedestrian accident attorney.