Contact Us 207-324-4422

Case Results

$200,000 recovered for a motorcycle rider involved in an acciedent with another motorcycle Accident

$200,000 recovered for a motorcycle driver, who injured his foot, while trying to avoid another motorcyclist making an improper U-Turn.  Originally the insurance company blamed our client.  Through the efforts of associate attorney Colin Reilly, including taking depositions, securing eyewitness testimony and working with physicians, a fair settlement for our client was achieved.  

A Full Service Law Firm Ready to Act Now…

By "full service," we mean the ability to quickly and efficiently find the solutions to your specific legal problems. We invite you to review our "practice areas" for your particular need. Our experienced lawyers and support staff are literally ready to assist you today. We pride ourselves in working as a team, and you will feel that team approach when you enter our offices. Efficient, expert lawyering, professional staff, fair prices, and a team approach to serve you. Your call first results in an attorney consult right away. We look forward to helping you… (207) 324-4422.


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